Divine Care Physiotherapy / Physiotherapy Near Me / Physiotherapy Langley / Langley Physiotherapy Clinic

 Sports Physiotherapy and Youth Sports Physiotherapy 

               Sports Physiotherapy is a specialised division of physiotherapy where the focus is on athletic and sports related injuries and prevention strategies. Athletes and sports person require higher level of function, agility and endurance in their body and when it is disrupted it can affect their involvement in the activities. At Divine Care Physiotherapy, we have well trained and immensely experienced professionals who can help people with athletic and sports related injuries and provide excellent results. Youth Sports Physiotherapy Our professionals at Divine Care Physiotherapy also has lot of experience in taking care of youth who gets involved in athletic or sports related injuries such as joint or muscles injuries, concussion etc. We also perform Concussion Baseline Assessments which are sometimes requested by the coach.

 For more info: https://divinecarephysio.com/
Our instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/divinecarephysiotherapy/
Our linkedin page: www.linkedin.com/in/divinecare-physiotherapy
Our pinterest page: https://www.pinterest.ca/divinecarephysio

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