Post-Surgical Rehab in Langley - Divinecare Physiotherapy

 Post-surgical physiotherapy has a very significant role in the recovery after some surgical procedures where physiotherapy is recommended. After surgery, the operated area is in the healing process and it affects the overall function of an individual. If proper measures are not taken at the right time, it can lengthen the recovery time and sometimes can cause some post-operative complications which can be avoided. A physiotherapist helps you in the recovery process by,

1. performing an in-depth assessment

2. educating you on the recovery process and the care that you need to take during this process

3. performing physiotherapy techniques to improve healing

4. teaching you an exercise program to improve the function and fitness of the affected area in order to return to normal day-to-day life

5. making sure that an individual is on the right path to recovery

6. advice you on any important steps to be taken for your recovery and also will refer you to other professionals if necessary

Conditions treated under Post-surgical physiotherapy in Divinecare 

Shoulder dislocation, Total Knee replacement (TKR), Total Hip replacement (THR), Fractures (post-surgical rehab), Fracture (physiotherapy for non-surgical cases), Colle’s fracture (Fracture around the wrist), Boxer’s fracture (Fracture on the 4th or 5th finger), Carpal tunnel release, Fracture of the Arm, forearm, hand, thigh, leg, foot, Joints, spine.

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