Unveiling 5 Key Muscular Imbalances Behind Back Pain
Unveiling 5 Key Muscular Imbalances Behind Back Pain 1. Weak Core Muscles: A weak core disrupts spinal stability, leading to overcompensation by surrounding muscles. Strengthening core muscles through targeted exercises is essential for maintaining proper alignment. 2. Tight Hip Flexors: Prolonged sitting tightens hip flexors, causing the pelvis to tilt forward. This puts strain on the lower back. Stretching and strengthening exercises can alleviate this imbalance. 3. Overactive Quadratus Lumborum: An overactive quadratus lumborum, a muscle in the lower back, can pull the pelvis upwards, contributing to back pain. Stretching and myofascial release techniques can help ease tension. 4. Weak Glutes: Weak gluteal muscles lead to poor hip stabilization, which can result in lower back strain. Strengthening exercises focusing on the glutes can correct this imbalance. 5. Imbalanced Hamstrings: Tight hamstrings can cause a posterior pelvic tilt, increasing stress on the lower back. R...