Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy: A Path to Recovery

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy is a specialized branch of physiotherapy dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. This field employs a diverse range of physiotherapy techniques, including electrotherapy, exercise therapy, laser therapy, shockwave therapy, physical agents, dry needling, IMS (intramuscular stimulation), spinal decompression, and more. The primary objective is to aid in the recovery of injured or affected musculoskeletal structures, with the ultimate goal of improving healing, restoring function, and achieving a pre-injury status.

Conditions Treated

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy addresses a wide array of conditions, including:

1. Ligament injuries

2. Strains

3. Sprains

4. Tears

5. Rotator cuff injuries

6. Ankle sprains

7. Knee injuries

8. Knee MCL/ACL/meniscus injuries

9. Osgood-Schlatter disease

10. Tennis elbow

11. Golfer's elbow

12. AC joint strain

13. Achilles tendon injuries

14. Post-dislocation rehabilitation

15. Post-operative rehabilitation

16. Concussion

17. Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee

18. Patellofemoral pain syndrome

19. Neck and back pain

20. Low back pain

21. Muscular tightness and tension

22. Shin splints

23. Fibromyalgia

24. Sciatica

25. Tendinitis

26. Tendinopathy

27. Tendinosis

physiotherapists in langley bc

Tendinosis FAQ 

  • Do I need my doctor’s referral? No. Doctor’s referral is not necessary. If your physiotherapist encounters something which might need the doctor’s opinion then your physiotherapist will refer you to the doctor. 
  • How many sessions I would need? Every person’s body and nature of injury is different and which dictates the treatment plan. Our experienced professionals devise a very effective and efficient treatment plan where the goal is to quickly return to the pre-injury activities.

For more information, contact 604-401-2946 or email to


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